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Your time as a caterpillar has expired. Your wings are ready.


Who  We  Are:

“SoulSoup” is a product of Eduville Limited Liability Partnership based at Bangalore that offers a proven technology of human designing and development. Life transcendental and transformational mind series and meditation techniques. with an unmatched 50 year track record of success.


Soul Soup, provides simplified programs, tools, & consulting services for developing people happiness & emotional quotient.  We draw upon ancient wisdom, to help people draw upon their inner reservoir and experience happiness. It is a life transformational Program, in Self Development/Improvement domain. Our Products & Services focus on people in improving their lives through authentic self -realization programs, formulated with the power of sub-conscious mind and mindfulness. Soul Soup programs, provides the latest cutting-edge tools to integrate each strategy into a practical form, you can use to effectively transform your life. We have personally designed the mastery experience to help you achieve maximum benefits in your life. You will learn to embrace your emotions, your purest thoughts and a newly energized and healthy body.

Why soul Soup Program For  you?

Soul Soup 6 Levels would create, develop and sustain people by


  • making them ethically strong and an increased capacity to be compassionate.

  • It brings depth to an individual’s approach and perspective towards leading a more meaningful life.

  • It would makes things easier for people to go through the life’s journey with all its ups and downs. It makes  lives happier.

  • It creates ability to behave with Compassion and Wisdom while maintaining inner and outer peace (equanimity) regardless of the circumstances.

  • This kind of integrated approach encourages personal growth and the development of greater health & inner awareness.

VISION: To inspire and empower people to realize their true potential, transforming the thought process, and getting them to look beyond their old conditioning and fixed boundaries


                                  The Need- Why Us?

The world we live in needs enlightened soul reconnect. Human kind was never so close to such a threat to its own existence. People disengagement is at its highest. The solution to it is to tune ourselves to “Self” and go to the still calm place within us. The “Soul Connect” - "My Life. I Care."


We offer engaging transformational workshops and  sessions to individuals, corporate, educational institutions, government  departments, learners, scholars, etc.  The objective is, to make people discover skills and insights to realize their own potential, which takes them to the path of happiness and joy.

From building a better family life to improving relationships and work performance, and obtaining personal goals, you can have it all. With us you would learn how to lead the group in the New Age. The results you achieve will benefit everyone. Those you lead the company and yourself. It is one of the strongest and most well researched programmes for developing human resource potential in the world.

The Problem - Well Being

---Can you generate more joy and fulfillment in your daily life and workplace?

---Are stress and uncertainty preventing your from staying engaged and communicating effectively?

---Do you/your employee lack the inspiration energy and morale to reach new levels?

---Would you like to integrate long term solutions to decrease stress and increase happiness of your employees & students?

MISSION: To create a happy and fulfilling environment through human designing and delivering high impact transformational workshops that produces world class performance.
Personal Growth Program
Take"Soul Soup"-21hrs "Stone of Living Challenge" & you would create,develop & sustain by: -ethically strong & an increased capacity to be compassionate. -depth to an ...
One on One Coaching
1 hr
16 hours program on Mindfulness- Life Transformatio-The magic of Meditation with self appreciation. Getting a Spiritual Solutions-Synchronization between Internal & Exter...
Mindfulness -Transformation
1 hr 30 min
12 hrs program aligning your mind and body is the key to unlocking your energy and passion. Experience the unlike any other program that will activate not only your body...
Restructuring Mind-Body Energy
1 hr
WorkPlace Program
20 hrs Workplace wellness program brings greater sense of inner peace, which leads to feeling friendliness, empathy, compassion and happiness which leads to higher produc...
Workplace Wellness Program
2 hr
20 hrs timeless techniques of time management. Learn the skill of becoming the Master of time, rather than being a servant to the clock. Learn how to prioritize, accordin...
Corporate Life-Time Management
1 hr
16 hrs Motivation Program -“Turn Fear into Power/Passion”.Those who create success & achieve their highest goals have one thing in common-their capacity to turn fear & li...
Career Coaching- Motivation
1 hr
Upcoming Group Events
16hours in your heart you know there’s still another level—an ultimate state of energy, physical well-being, personal satisfaction, intense emotion, overwhelming joy and ...
Law of Success- Mind, Body & Soul
16 hours program where great leaders transforms challenges into opportunities with vision, creativity & a sense of unity with those whom the lead. Can you generate more j...
Inspired Leadership

Our Services


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To know about the program kindly contact at 088846666440
To know about the program kindly contact at 088846666440
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© Soul Soup™ is an Eduville LLP® product by Rajni Julka - Conscious Life Transformer and Coach.                                                            Copyrights @ 2016 | All Rights Reserved |

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