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Life's Aim is Life Itself.

Life has no aim other than life itself.

Everything else in the world can have an aim, can be means to an end, but at least one thing you have to leave as the end of all but the means of none.

We can call it existence, life, God- different names of single reality.

Both "Existence" and "God" are two different extremes as there is no indication of intelligence or consciousness. Hence, my choice is "Life". life contains everything that is needed; it needs no proof. We are life. We are the proof. We are the argument. We cannot deny life.

Life is the aim of everything. Hence life cannot have an aim other than itself. It has it within itself to grow, to expand, to celebrate, to dance, to love, to enjoy- all aspects of life.

Life goes through various psychology of changes - it is worth contemplating. Life is being forced to worship death. So why question...What is the aim of life? Rather, question should be...What is the aim of journey of life?

Life is all in all....I believe there is no other aim than to live with totality that each moment becomes celebration. The very idea of "aim" brings future in mind, any aim, any end, any goal, needs future. All these deprive us of our present, which the only reality we have at that moment. The future is only imagination and past is just foot-prints left in the sand of our memory.

This moment is the only reality.And to live this moment- without any inhibition and repeating the past again and again- be absolutely fresh every moment, fresh and young, unhampered by memories, unhindered by imaginations - with purity, innocence- called "life".

Life aim's life itself - more life, deeper life, higher life, but life always....!

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